The impact of career plateau on affective commitment and job involvement: A study among academic librarian

Document Type : Original Manuscript



The concept of career plateau has been discussed in the career management literature for some time. Career plateauing occurs when employees reach a position in the organization from which they are unlikely to be further promoted or given positions of increased responsibility. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceived career plateau of academic librarians and its impact on affective commitment and job involvement. The data analyzed in this study was collected from 537 questionnaires which were filled either manually or electronically by librarians. The results show that the rate of job Plateau (structural Plateau and content Plateau), is more than average among librarian, In spite of gender which does not make a significant difference in the perception of job plateau among librarian, tenure and longer working hours lead to greater perceived career plateau. Moreover, regression analyses results indicate that the impact of career plateau on affective commitment and job involvement is significant, meaning that the librarians perceiving more career plateau have less job involvement and affective commitment. Interestingly, interstice motivation plays a moderator role between the job Plateau and both mentioned dependent variables.
