Designing a Model for Successful strategy implementation in Iran's automotive Companies

Document Type : Original Manuscript



Abstract: Previous researches show that a well-formulated and implemented strategy will result in effectiveness of organizational plans. In the realm of strategy implementation such a model is infrequent. The purpose of this qualitative study is to design a model for strategy implementation that will be coustomized to Iran’s local conditions. To this end, the research focuses on factors that influence the successful strategy implementation in top Iran's automotive companies. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with 21 individuals (Managers, Assistant Directors and Academic Professors) to obtain their experiances on strategy implementation. Based on open and axial coding technique, 30 effective variables were conceptualized and classified into six major categories, then, the final model was designed. The model which was approved by a group of experts explains the factors affecting the successful strategy implementation and the ways these factors interact with each other. The successful implementation of strategies depends on organizational readiness, proactive management, inter-organizational factors, environment relative stability and organizational alignment. Organizational readiness leads to proactive management and proactive management along with inter-organizational factors and relative stability of environment result in organizational alignment.
