Factors influencing the continuance intention of customers to the usage of Internet Banking (Case: Bank Melli Iran)

Document Type : Original Manuscript



Abstract: Due to abundant investments in Internet Banking (IB), it is argued that IB eventual success depends on its continued use of customers rather than their first-time utilization. While a great deal of existing studies have focused on initial customers’ decisions to adopt an IB, less attention has been paid to the post-adoption condition. To address this gap, this study proposes a model to investigate the factors influencing the prolonged intention of customers  usage of IB based on the incorporation of the information system (IS) continuous intention, IS success model and trust. We performed a survey of 443 IB experienced participants, and used the structural equation modeling approach to test the research model. The results indicate that satisfaction, trust and perceived usefulness are the main predictors of continuous  intention. It also shows that trust, perceived usefulness and confirmation are determined by system quality, information quality, and service quality. The proposed model explains 66.6% of the variance in Internet banking continuous intention.


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