The effectiveness of authentic leadership training of managers on employees psychological capital: An experimental study in a Petrochemical Company

Document Type : Original Manuscript



Abstract: What are the effects of leadership training on managers behavior and skills and how it influences employees behavior. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of authentic leadership behaviors training of managers on employees psychological capital. The participants were 42 middle managers of Tehran’s Petrochemical Company(NIPC) who were randomly selected and  divided in two experimental and control groups (each 21 employees). The research design was classic and had pre and posttest for both groups. A three days leadership training (20 hours) was conducted for experimental group. Data was gathered by two questionnaires of authentic leadership (walumbwa et al, 2008) and psychological capital (Lutans et al, 2008). Data analysis with ANOVA indicated that the training of authentic leadership behaviors of managers increases employees’ psychological capital components (Self-Efficacy, Optimism, Resilience and Hope).Result also shows that the development of positive behavior and skills of managers had increased the positive behavior of employees.


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