Designing a leadership and organizational culture model for performance improvement of innovative organizations: A study on NIOC Research and Development organizations"

Document Type : Original Manuscript



Abstract: We are living in a world that is increasingly faced with dynamic, complex and unpredictable business environment. In this situation, creating and sustaining competitive advantage depends on continuous businesses innovativeness and technological improvement that is basically done by R& D organizations. There are a vast literature on the positive relationship between leadership and performance, but very few researches are found that study the mediating role of organizational culture in fostering this relationship. The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating role of organizational culture in improving organizational performance. Data was collected by a survey sample in which 476 of research managers and experts of R&D departments of NIOC completed the questionnaires. Structural equation models were used for data analysis. Findings show that although there is a positive relationship between leadership and performance improvement, the performance of R&D departments has been also influenced by organizational culture. This result may suggest that leaders of innovative organizations by creating and strengthening an appropriate organizational climate in their organizations could nurture creativity and facilitate innovation as well.


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