Corporate entrepreneurship: A literature review on research directions and fundamental concepts



Corporate Entrepreneurship has been drawing mounting interest in recent decades. As a crucial approach to make modern organizations thrive, entrepreneurial behavior holds paramount importance in organizational research. Each of scholarly works in the literature has partly investigated the concept. This paper seeks to produce a roundup review of the prominent studies in terms of their directions, and also elaborate on fundamental concepts introduced in the CE literature. We  have conducted statistical analyses of significant studies while categorizing CE literature on a thematic basis. The analyses suggest that CE literature may fall in three main categories i.e. antecedents, processes, and outcomes. The paper proceeds to further introduce these categories while examining key studies of each to delineate pivotal CE concepts. In the second part of the paper, we have tried to describe historical trends and methodologies employed in the studies surveyed. Thus, the current paper is expected to illustrate a representative picture of CE research directions and fundamental concepts.


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