The pattern of enjoying the Internet In the staff of Government organization (Case Study: Governmental Organizations of Mashhad)



This study seeks to explore how the organization uses the Internet during working hours among employees of government organization. Considering the development of technology in governmental organizations and the dual effects that it will have on organizations, as well as considering the need for the organization to understand how to use the Internet for proper policy and management, It is important to recognize the type of organization use behavior. The present study seeks to take into account both types of utilization. This paper is a quantitative and descriptive study. Data was collected using a researcher-designed questionnaire and job feature questionnaire. Also, due to the uncertain size of the community, the appropriate sampling method for this study is sampling of unlimited society. According to the results of the questionnaire, it was found that the employees on average employed about 2-3 hours a day from the Internet at work. Half of this time will use work and half to track personal affairs. They use the Internet more with their mobile phones and tablets. More than half of the employees use the Internet more than twice a day. Also, education on work use, work experience on nonwork use, age, organizational level, and occupational characteristics affect both types of use. On the other hand, there is no significant difference between working and non-working hours among employees at work hours.


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