Revising the concept of the marketing mix in Iranian bank industry: The application of Glazerian grounded theory approach

Document Type : Original Manuscript




The concept of marketing mix in the marketing literature is significant. There is a lot of criticism in   traditional marketing mix, especially in the field of services. Therefore, the present study aims to provide new aspects of this issue in the field of banking in Iran. For this purpose, an exclusive interview was conducted with 15 bank executives and 12 banking experts in Iran. The results of the analysis of interviews and data coding were defined as the central issue of "banking marketing mix with a trust-building approach", which indicated the concern of the participants. The results of the research in the selected coding stage indicated that the  banking marketing  mix included the offered banking services (innovation and differentiation of services, variety of services, service quality, service reliability); prices (financial and non-financial costs); banking distribution channels (Physical and non-physical); marketing communications (customer orientation, branding, convincing communication, reminder communication, informative communication); Physical evidence (visual evidence, designing the service environment, equipment and facilities, conditions of the service environment); the operation and the process (informing,  the process of service, customer relationship), and individuals (verbal  communication; being professional; elegance of employees; personnel's behaviors).


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