Investigating the Effect of Effective Organizational Lost on Financial Performance with Emphasis on Mediating Organizational Agility (Case Study: General Tax Administration of West Azarbaijan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Governmental Administration, Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch, Bonab, Iran

2 Azad University of Bonab branc


Organizations tend to consider the use of intentional organizational forgetting capacity as a tool to improve their financial performance. This paper aims to study the relationship of intentional organizational forgetting and financial performance with a focus on mediating role of organizational agility. The statistical population of this sample survey descriptive research consists of 845 employees of the Tax Administration offices in West Azarbayjan Province from which a sample of 278 employees were selected using Cochrane method. We distributed a standard questionnaire for collecting data and two software of SPSS and LISREL for data analysis. We also used  the Pearson correlation coefficient  and structural equation  in statistical analysis. Findings show that there are positive relationships between intentional organizational forgetting and organizational agility and organizational agility (0.92) on financial performance as well.


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