Determinants of technology sourcing modes in Iranian hi- tech companies

Document Type : Original Manuscript



This research aimed to investigate the determinants of technology sourcing modes (TSMs). Based on a conceptual framework, three group of modes were determined; namely, internal development, cooperation and acquisition. The literature review explored factors affecting different modes of technology sourcing while categorizing them into three categories; namely, Technology-related, Firm-specific and environmental factors. Amongst numerous factors supposed to influence TSMs, three of the most referred factors in technology- related factors were selected. A list consisting ofThirteen hypotheses were proposed, argued and tested in Iranian high-tech firms. The study was confined to four technology intensive industry including; telecommunications and microelectronics, Information technologies, nanotechnologies and biotechnologies. The results of hypothesis testing and regression model determine factors affecting of TSMs. Our findings showed negative effect of stage of technology life cycle and degree of technical uncertainty, on propensity to internal development. Moreover, our study revealed the positive effect of degree of technical uncertainty and negative effect of degree of commercial uncertainty on propensity to cooperate. Our results show that propensity to acquire is positively affected by the stage of technology life cycle and degree of technical uncertainty.
