job embeddedness: a new idea for retaining employees




Abstract :One of the important questions for sociologists and administrators in organizational context is to find out why some employees stay at work, and some leave organizations. For many years, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were considered as important and effective factors on employees remaining at work. Gradually, the research findings showed that these two variables had a small share to the staff remaining or quitting organizations. To overcome this problem, at the getting to 21th. Century, researcher introduced the new concept of job embeddedness, as an inverse idea. A clear understanding of this concept, its dimensions and theoretical and applied developments can be considered as a better solution for managers and executives to maintain the organizations qualified employees. This review paper is based on a review and analysis of thirty journal articles that have been published between 2001 and 2016 on the concept of job embeddedness. In this review, we first go over the subject of employees turnover and then introduce the concept of job embeddedness and finally theoretical and practical developments of the concept will be analyzed. We hope this review could present  the gap of literature to be filled in future local research.



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