A Framework for Livelihood Resilience of Nomadic Communities (A Case Study in Qashqai Tribe)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Faculty of Management and Economics; Islamic Azad University; Science and Research Branch

3 Department of Social Planning; Faculty of Social Sciences; Allameh Tabataba'i University

4 Department of Tourism Management; Faculty of Management and Accounting,Allameh Tabataba'i University


Iran’s Nomadic communities are now facing major challenges regarding their livelihoods. The forced transition of their settled lifestyle due to these challenges can have undesirable outcomes for their quality of life. The nomadic communities as a part of Iran’s ethnic heritage has the capacity to employ tourism for diversifying its economy and the country’s tourism product diversity. Therefore, the importance of identifying those factors that contribute to the community’s capability to build their livelihood resilience is justified. This paper aims at exploring the factors that can improve nomadic communities resilient. Furthermore, this study attempts to present a livelihood resilience framework with a particular focus on nomads. So, the research contributes to the theoretical and applied dimensions of livelihood resilience. To accomplish these goals, a qualitative contextual case study method was employed. We used  semi-structured interviews with Qashqai nomads and key informants. In addition,   direct observation and unobtrusive  data were collected in the study. We used  thematic analysis to interpret interviews. Based on stability landscape theory,  factors contribute to the nomadic livelihood resilience were categorized as seven main themes, including: livelihood characteristics and internal constraints (implying resistance); internal enablers (implying adaptive capacity); quality of life (implying precariousness); external constraints; external enablers and changes and stresses (implying panarchy theory).


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