The Appearance of the Administrative Burden Concept (Inconvenience) in Public Administration knowledge

Document Type : Other


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Public Administration, Organizational Behavior, Research Institute of Hawzeh and University, Qom, Iran

2 Assistance Professor of Tehran University and Director of the Scientific Association of Organizational Behavior Management,Tehran, Iran


The administrative burden is a new concept in the field of public administration and refers to implicit social contracts established between citizens and the state. The concept of administrative burden (inconvenience) is a new research agenda of public administration in terms of citizens’ interactions with the state. Indicators of administrative burden include unequal citizenship rights, bafflement, delays and hopelessness, lack of autonomy, and the sense of humiliation arising from inappropriate workers behaviors. The Significant points in this regard are the organizational and political roots of the issues, the mechanisms whereby they influence citizens, and the ways for the state to mitigate them. The state is an institution that determines rules concerning its service structures and behaviors in dealing with citizens, and, consequently, this creates some problems for the latter. The consequences of the above problems for the citizens typically entail learning costs, financial loss, and psychological damages to some extent. The purpose of this study is to cast some light to Burden Concept in the age of declining confidence and trust of citizens in states.


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